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Zanfel Confusion

Subject: Zanfel Confusion
Author: CarolSW
Date: 6/20/2004 12:15 pm
Views: 15083
Status: Approved
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Hi fellow sufferers!

I'm a newbie to this board, had contact with poison ivy 7 days ago while working in my yard. Have had periodic bouts of it over the years, so knew what was happening as the rash started to explode. By the 5th day I realized the OTC treatments were not going to cut it, so saw the doctor who gave me a steroid shot and a Medrol dose-pak. Also, since hearing about Zanfel, I decided to suck it up and pay the $40 to try it in conjunction with the Rx. In my case, the Zanfel has given me measurable relief, but I guess my rash is pretty involved, because it still itches somewhat about twice a day. That's when I usually jump in the shower and do another scrub with Zanfel.

The Zanfel info sheet that comes in the box says that "Zanfel works safely into the dermal layer of the skin, binds to the urushial oil, and, when rinsed off, takes the oil down the drain." Under the section re: a systemic reaction, it states "...new oil will continue to resurface, and the re-washing cycle may go on for weeks". So the urushial oil that is the root of all this misery is still within me??? Wouldn't that make me contagious and at risk for spreading it on myself and to others if it "continues to resurface"???? That is distressing, and contrary to the claim that once the rash breaks out, there is no danger of spreading it. Confusing, right? Anyone have facts or ideas about this??

Thanks for providing this forum for us. It has been invaluable to me this past week!!!


Zanfel Confusion (Approved)CarolSW6/20/2004 12:15 pm
  Re: Zanfel Confusion (Approved)JCL6/22/2004 1:43 am