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Re: my 4yr has red, hard skin around the pi outbreaks

Subject: Re: my 4yr has red, hard skin around the pi outbreaks
Author: Very Unfortunate
Date: 6/9/2004 7:29 pm
Views: 12581
Status: Approved
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Well the dry skin was very severe on mine after the first phase was over. I had patches of it some very scaley patches. You could try the Aveeno oatmeal baths...those helped me. It also softens the skin and the water will help the layer of dead/dry/scaley stuff come off.
Towards the end of my bout with PO I used Palmers cocoa butter on my skin. This is my opinion only as it is what I used during pregnancy to keep from getting stretch marks...it worked great. Plus is also very very nice on the skin. But.....It did burn a little as my skin was still a battle zone ^.^ at the time. The Oatmeal baths are very nice and soothing however, no burning at all.
Good luck~

my 4yr has red, hard skin arou (Approved)Tami5/18/2004 11:44 am
  Re: my 4yr has red, hard skin (Approved)Very Unfortunate6/9/2004 7:29 pm