Ok~ thought I'd update...
It lasted a little over 2 and a half weeks for me
Bad thing was my legs swelled WAY up~ was pretty much solid hot itchy torture from waist down.
What I did that worked was the Aveeno Oatmeal baths...with benedryl and ibuprophen for swelling. The Hot of the patches was just a little worse than the itch...I tried icepacks at first, which were nice. But they thawed way too fast. My luv was smart though. He bought a couple of those hot water bottles (that my Grandma used to put hot water in to keep our feet warm in bed at night). However we filled them half way and froze them. This works magic...they stay cold and frozen for at least 3 times longer than the gel icepacks. will need a towel for the condensation. But ICE helps LOADS!!! much nicer no itch no burn.
All is better now...is like I lost weight since the swelling was so much. ^.^ but try not to scratch cause the scars are not Nice. Good luck everyone! it will get over eventually |