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Control Question: landscaping fabric & wood chips

Subject: Control Question: landscaping fabric & wood chips
Author: TimYo
Date: 5/24/2004 10:39 am
Views: 11204
Status: Approved
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I have a 100 by 24 foot section of woods at the back of my yard that is completely covered with poison ivy. My neighbor is unaffected by poison ivy. He 1) removed all of the vines, 2) raked up big piles of poison ivy roots with a garden rake and removed them, and 3) ran over the whole area with a lawn mower. (God bless him)

I�m planning on putting down landscaping fabric (thermally spunbonded) and covering the whole area with 3 to 4 inches of wood chips.

My question is: will this take care of the situation, or should I do something else before on putting down landscaping fabric and mulching?

Control Question: landscaping (Approved)TimYo5/24/2004 10:39 am