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sweating and showering while PI rash is active

Subject: sweating and showering while PI rash is active
Author: hebbel5@comcast.net
Date: 5/12/2004 8:07 am
Views: 11215
Status: Approved
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Can you please tell me if working out and sweating excessively will worsen the rash? My rash appeared 49-72 hours after exposure and within 12 hours of an aerobic workout on a hot and humid day. Thank you

sweating and showering while P (Approved)hebbel5@comcast.net5/12/2004 8:07 am
  Re: sweating and showering whi (Approved)B.Penn5/13/2004 5:36 pm
    Re: sweating and showering whi (Approved)Katie6/19/2004 9:16 pm