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Re: Some Poison Ivy questions

Subject: Re: Some Poison Ivy questions
Author: BEN
Date: 4/30/2004 2:36 pm
Views: 11235
Status: Approved
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The best information that I have found is that the oozing blisters will not spread your poison oak/ivy - it is only the initial contact with the plant or other objects that touched the plant( dog, boots, tools,clothes) that will continue the spread. The poison will last for days - even months- on any contaminated item. However, the poison can lay dormant under the skin and will errupt later - in stages - giving the appearance of spreading. Try rubbing your self with TECNU skin cleanser, then a cool shower to remove the oozing which is causing the itch, several times a day. Keep a coat of calamine or something on the outbreaks at all times. RHUSTOX, an oral otc med will help stop the nervousness - if you are having that too. Good Luck.

Some Poison Ivy questions (Approved)Dave4/27/2004 9:16 pm
  Re: Some Poison Ivy questions (Approved)BEN4/30/2004 2:36 pm