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Re: Posion Ivy Pre attack

Subject: Re: Posion Ivy Pre attack
Author: Heather
Date: 4/29/2004 11:53 am
Views: 6941
Status: Approved
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I bought a house and have a lot of PI around. It's my ritual every saturday to kill some.

Here's what I do.

Clothes- I wear jeans, a long sleeve t shirt, another long sleeve shirt (don't want anything getting through any openings), boots, googles, a bandana around my neck (you could wear a turtle neck), latex gloves and chemical gloves over that.

Cleanup- Wash clothes immediately. What can't go in the washing machine (like my clippers, boots, gloves etc go in the dishwasher. Everything gets washed twice. I take a shower in dawn (which cuts oil and grease and since oil is what causes the problem with PI, it makes sense to me) followed by washing in burt's bees PI soap. I got PI really bad and don't want it again so I go a little over the top, but I've been PI free for 4 weeks so something works!

Killing it- I cut it with small little clippers as far down as it will go, then I dab on undiluted ortho brush b gone onto what's left. It turns what's left black. I haven't tried drilling a hole and directly applying it that way because I don't have any major vines. Mine are all kind of small and manageable, but a friend of mine said that his grandfather would do that and then use a syringe to squirt it in there. Of course the big issue with this is how to use a drill and not get it all contaminated. You could use a big nail and a hammer (the hammer could go in the dishwasher) i suppose.

Good luck to you!

Posion Ivy Pre attack (Approved)Moe Conn4/29/2004 9:13 am
  Re: Posion Ivy Pre attack (Approved)Heather4/29/2004 11:53 am
    Re: Posion Ivy Pre attack (Approved)Petrus5/3/2004 10:45 pm