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Subject: Sweating/showering/covering
Author: Mike M.
Date: 4/22/2004 7:22 pm
Views: 10013
Status: Approved
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I know a lot of these things have been touched on, but still haven't seen any strong responses. I have recently been exposed unknowingly and developed itching and light rash two days later. I now have severe blisters, rash, itching. I began Technu cleaning and application of Calagel during the day and hydrocortizone and Benadryl at night without much relief. I have developed mild continued spreading, but only to areas immediately adjacent to rash. Any better responses about the follwoing questions?

Sweating- is there a negative for sweating? What I really want to know is can I workout while covered with the rash? What are the reasons why I am okay to do this or not.

Showering- I have seen a lot of responses that state to shower often. What is the benefit of showering if you already have removed the oil from your skin? I got started late in my treatment and used Technu for a couple of days now. I am assuming the oil has been removed if I have used this. Does showering have another benefit besides keeping me clean and smelling clean? Or am I able to continue to rid myself of the oil over time?

Covering- some responses say to not cover and allow to dry while others state to use longsleeves or to cover at night. Are you only covering to prevent infection? Should you try and keep your skin as exposed as possible even at night?

Thank you for any help you can give with these questions.

Sweating/showering/covering (Approved)Mike M.4/22/2004 7:22 pm