Dear Peggy, Unfortunately, it is easy to spread this stuff. I have caught poison ivy twice from the dogs who are running in the fields where this spring there is a bumper crop of poison ivy. They bring it home on their fur...much like oil on a shoe lace might be carried. I have worked hard to fastidiously wash my bedding and anything which comes into contact with the rash. I use washclothes instead of towels to dry the rash which I only use once then toss in a wash pile. I have it now on both my forearms, so I also sleep using pillow cases on my arms since they tend to stay on better than wrapping of towels or the tons of gauze I have wound around the cremes, lotions, salves and oils I am using to control this stuff. I only use them once and wash them to. Better safe than sorry, so anything which has made contact with the oozing or oil is certainly a reason to scrub up. Good luck.... |