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on the face and more... - clearasil

Subject: on the face and more... - clearasil
Author: Marian
Date: 4/8/2004 12:09 pm
Views: 9258
Status: Approved
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I recently got poison ivy/oak/sumac/whatever on my face [noticed it first this past Saturday] and of course is spreading quite nicely. Having had "the poison" for the very first time just under a month ago I was alarmed to get it again. Needless to say the prescription I received from the doctor the first time could not be used on the face. So while I was waiting to get in to see the doctor I thought I'd try something new - Clearasil. I figured if it's supposed to dry up blemishes on the face why the heck not try it for "the poison". Though it certainly does nothing to stop the itching I do think it has had a positive effect on keeping the blisters from forming. I apply it several times daily and when the itching gets to be too bad I throw a layer of cortisone on top of it and that does seem to do the trick. Granted it's probably far from being over, but I at least feel slightly better. I say it's worth a shot - probably cheaper and considerably less painful than some of the other remedies I've read on the site.

on the face and more... - clea (Approved)Marian4/8/2004 12:09 pm