For me, when I get poison ivy, I
* take benadryl, or something like it. (Claritin?)
It reduces the allergic reaction.
Use aspirin if you have nothing else.
* relax and let the inffected parts dry after a shower.
* put a lotion on like you are doing.
An oatmeal bath is supposed to reduce the itch. I tried it, and I am not sure. Basically, take a bit of oatmeal out of the box, (maybe a couple of ounces) put it in a sock, or nylon hose to keep it in one place. place it in a bath of warm water. Something comfortably warm.
No doctor helped me. They can not do much beyond acknowledge you have it and do things to keep inffection down if you are prone to scratching.
Make sure the clothes you were exposed in are washed |