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Poison Ivy Forever!!

Subject: Poison Ivy Forever!!
Author: Mary Riley
Date: 12/22/2003 10:03 pm
Views: 11219
Status: Approved
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I have read a few previous messages about how long a reaction lasted. Here is my story.
I broke out with poison ivy (or perhaps sumac or oak, I have no idea) 4 days after the hurricane that hit the east coast, yes folks September 18th. I was cleaning my moms yard and got some under my glove I guess. I went to an urgent care 4 days later with several bumps on my hand. The weird thing is.......they didnt really itch. I was allergic as a kid and it seemed to spread like wildfire when I was younger so I thought maybe it was a spider bite until the doc said it was a poison plant. I didn't believe her. She gave me Elocon. After several weeks of putting the cream on the bumps were still there so I went to a dermatologist. He said it was a poison plant and to keep doing what I was doing and also prescribed domoboro. It is now December 22nd. It is getting better I will admit, but I have these blisters that seem awfully deep. When I punture them to drain them they seem to come back. It still never really itched and the blisters never burst themselves. Now my hand looks like it is healing but you can still see the blisters. What do I do? I guess its back for a cortizone shot? I have tried everything. Has anyone ever had a nagging case like this??

Poison Ivy Forever!! (Approved)Mary Riley12/22/2003 10:03 pm