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What's going on with this site?

Subject: What's going on with this site?
Author: Redford
Date: 11/11/2003 10:07 am
Views: 8272
Status: Approved
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What is going on with this site? There hasn't been any movement done on it since July! It was going so well, and now, there is no direction. The Q&A part is easy to help others,but the pics link, it needs to be open so people can answer others questions on the "is it p.i.?" part of it.

Any others notice this too? I know the season will slow down the site, but I noticed there were plenty of pics since July that didn't get answered.
So, whats up with this?

What's going on with this site (Approved)Redford11/11/2003 10:07 am
  Re: What's going on with this (Approved)Heather12/17/2003 2:25 pm
    Re: What's going on with this (Approved)B.P.12/19/2003 4:08 pm
    Re: What's going on with this (Approved)Brian12/19/2003 4:12 pm
      Re: What's going on with this (Approved)Heather12/23/2003 11:43 am
        Re: What's going on with this (Approved)BRIAN1/2/2004 9:10 am
  Re: What's going on with this (Approved)Darcie12/21/2003 10:43 pm