For all you PI suffers out there, this might sound strange but most over the counter drugs does not help fight the symptons of the infection, even most prescriptions dosent help. People Clorox! Yep thats right wet a luke warm towel with a lil diluted clorox on it and rub your body wherever the rash exist. Or take a mild luke to moderate warm bath and add clorox in it.
The clorox will stop the itching immediately, and dry up the rash faster. I recently got PI while adding a garden to my back yard. I had it all over both arms, some on both legs, and just a tad on my thighs, because clorox is no stranger to me since i use it to bath with anyways, I immediately took a clorox bath, then i dried my skin real good, and put calamine lotion all over my body, then i took two benadryl tablets. I really dont know why i use Calamine i dont think it helped at all. I just used it to mostly cover up the rash so that i would'nt have to look at it. After 5 days of benadry tablets, calamine,and clorox the rash has dried up and i have barely any itchiness at all. I hope i have been informative to you. Now we just have to remember to avoid PI altogether.