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Re: LISTERINE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: LISTERINE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 8/23/2003 11:59 am
Views: 6344
Status: Approved
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Hey Steve -

Did you see that post earlier about a weird concoction that included Listerine? Here's the link: A Weird Salve that I make.

I'm assuming you are the same Steve who's been suffering most of the summer. If so, VERY glad to hear that you've found something that is helping.

LISTERINE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Approved)Steve8/23/2003 9:23 am
  Re: LISTERINE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!Betsy D.8/23/2003 11:59 am
    Re: LISTERINE WORKS!!!!!!!!!!! (Approved)Steve8/24/2003 8:20 am