Betsy, I have to believe that there is such a thing as a "systemic" reaction. My husband, mother and myself have all been suffering with PI for almost 5 weeks. We have been given oral prednisone, but I am not too sure this helps much. We are not getting re-exposed, yet continue to break out with new itching spots each day on new areas of our bodies. My "bites" began in May and my doctor said it was some type of insect biting me. I believed that as well. Then, after some PI removal from my yard ( was wearing protective clothing), it really came on bad. I have not been in the yard since and have cleaned every surface in my home, threw out my clothes and boots, and we all continue to get new rashes. I hope that it will work it's way out of our bodies soon! I have spent a fortune on everything in the drug store except Zanfel, but I think I will buy it today.......anyone have any success with Zanfel after so much time infected??? Thanks to all who reply. |