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Re: how long can a systemic reaction last?

Subject: Re: how long can a systemic reaction last?
Author: steve
Date: 8/5/2003 1:23 am
Views: 14843
Status: Approved
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I have read submissions on other websites, testimonials of some people having a systemic reactions lasting months instead of weeks. I am very skeptical about my propects for a normal recovery in the next several weeks. My immune system has gone berserk, over reacting to the oil. I feel I am in for a long struggle not a short one. I am mentally willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of this rash. So can a rash last months instead of weeks? What did you do to get rid of it? How long did it take you too finally get rid of it? Did taking the cortisone just delay what I have to go through? By the way, I'm certain that I'm not re-exposing myself. I've been obsessive about washing everything I could possibly have touched when I was first exposed; I've thrown away the shoes and gloves I was wearing. I'm spending most of my time indoors. I am using an air conditioner to keep cool, avoid sweating, eating healthy foods (as healthy as I can), and staying calm and lazy. (The ideal life for a couch potato, minus the rash). I just want the poison oak to go away and not come back.

Now if someone can find the chemical off switch to turn off this immune system response to the poison oak oil without compromising my normal immune system response, I would be eternally grateful.

how long can a systemic reacti (Approved)steve8/3/2003 3:23 pm
  Re: how long can a systemic re (Approved)celeste8/3/2003 3:37 pm
  Re: how long can a systemic re (Approved)John8/3/2003 5:14 pm
    Re: how long can a systemic re (Approved)steve8/5/2003 1:23 am
      Re: how long can a systemic re (Approved)scott3/3/2004 3:40 pm
        Re: how long can a systemic re (Approved)Katie6/11/2012 1:06 pm