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my break-out and riddance remedies

Subject: my break-out and riddance remedies
Author: celeste
Date: 8/3/2003 3:29 pm
Views: 8653
Status: Approved
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after dealing with PI each year of the last 30, here are some of my personal observations.

the severity of my outbreaks has decreased over the years, but my identification is better too, AND i no longer rub my face while in the garden! i do not go to the doctor, no matter how bad it gets. i use technu, calagel, baking soda, seasalt, and my big friend clorox and water (20 parts water:1 part clorox, watch out with the clorox and your fine jewelry--it eats the alloys) with sometimes complete bedrest (when my eyes glue shut) and the mantra: time heals all wounds. i use some or all of these at at time until the itching subsides. it always feels like it's in my blood coursing throughout my body and over the breakout 2-3 wk period, popping out wherever it likes. for the resulting agida and discouragement, i practice patience, observe my breathing, and think positive thoughts about my ability to overcome. i try to get as much complete quiet as i can during this period, even while working. i try not to talk about it also, with varying success!

to get rid of the plant site, and this is especially good if it's looming overhead is, in the summer, cut the main stem below your beltline. spray the leaves of the lower portion with round-up or kleen-up, and in the winter, with full armor (i put plastic bags over my coat) carefully take the dead upper portion vines in small cut pieces (so it doesn't swing out and hit you in the face) off the tree, ground or whatever it's on and gingerly throw them away. i cut an approx 8" piece, pick it up with my shears and throw it in a bag. you don't have to wait for the winter to do this part, especially if the vine is horizontal and really in the way. i also mark the site and cover the lower portion with a plastic bag so that my 5 cats can't brush up on it.

this year, in the waxing days before the full bloom of my misery, i sprung for the zanfel. i really wanted that 30 sec. miracle. zanfel doesn't work for me, or let's put it this way, there's plenty of weeping to come after those first 40-dollar washes, but those little scrub crystals in zanfel gave me the idea to use heavy duty "zep" hand cleaner when i get the urge.

i've enjoyed reading the posts and have gotten some good tips, so i thought i'd contribute my 2 cents. i hope it helps someone...hello fellow sufferers!

my break-out and riddance reme (Approved)celeste8/3/2003 3:29 pm
  Re: my break-out and riddance Betsy D.8/9/2003 1:01 am