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Re: ahhhhhh!!!!

Subject: Re: ahhhhhh!!!!
Author: Samantha
Date: 8/2/2003 3:49 pm
Views: 6589
Status: Approved
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See a doctor. I spent 60 dollars over 2 weeks trying to help myself, and it just got worse, and I did not have it in the area that you do! Withing 1 days of seeing the doctor and getting Zyrtec for the itch and prednisone, I was feeling better, and a week later, I am almost all healed. Do not wait. And by the way, if you have animals, they can carry the oil on their fur and you can get it that way. You pet your dog, and then, well, you know, there you go. Good luck to you!

ahhhhhh!!!! (Approved)sean8/1/2003 1:28 am
  Re: ahhhhhh!!!! (Approved)Samantha8/2/2003 3:49 pm