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Re: Prednisone question

Subject: Re: Prednisone question
Author: Jamie
Date: 7/31/2003 10:31 am
Views: 6669
Status: Approved
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We went camping last weekend and husband accidentally burnt PI leaves on the campfire. My 7 year old is SEVERELY allergic and has had many cases this summer already, so we immediately took him to the doctor and put him on steroids. (He also has asthma) Our doctors have ALWAYS tapered our doses... The rest of us, though, are letting nature run its course. I agree with the person that talked about not using steroids unnecessarily. They do suppress the immune system. Also, we have found hot baths to be the MOST effective relief from itching.

Prednisone question (Approved)Pat7/24/2003 1:44 pm
  Re: Prednisone question (Approved)Samantha7/24/2003 5:35 pm
    Re: Prednisone question (Approved)steve7/25/2003 0:08 am
  Re: Prednisone question (Approved)John7/27/2003 9:47 pm
  Re: Prednisone question (Approved)Betsy D.7/28/2003 4:47 pm
    Re: Prednisone question (Approved)Jamie7/31/2003 10:31 am