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Re: poison oak rash that won't heal

Subject: Re: poison oak rash that won't heal
Author: laurie
Date: 7/30/2003 3:45 pm
Views: 8144
Status: Approved
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I am having the same problem that Steve is having. I have now had this rash for two weeks, and every time one leg starts to heal, the other leg gets worse. The same goes for my arms. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet because my husband owns a landscaping company, and we always keep lotion on hand for poison ivy, oak,etc. However, I have now reached that point where nothing is helping. I talked to a pharmacist, and he also told me to get the Aveeno oatmeal bath, benadryl, and hydrocortisone cream. So far, nothing extraordinary has happened. The bath did seem to help for a few hours, but not long enough. As I said, one arm and one leg started to clear up, and I thought I was finally done, but then the opposite arm and leg started back up again.

So I guess my question is, does the scratching really make it worse? It is so unbearable that I can't help but itch, I try to do it as little as possible and not directly on the rash, so maybe I am the reason it's spreading. I have cleaned everything in the house, car, etc. I also didn't know that I should keep the house cool, so I plan on turning on the air in a moment. We live on a wooded lot so our house stays fairly cool, and the nights have been great, so I haven't had the air on, could that really make this thing worse??? Also, how can I prevent myself from spreading this to others? I am so scared that if I touch anyone they may get it too.

Also, is there anything someone could suggest about how to make sure scarring doesn't occur?

My friends and family can't get over how bad my legs look. I can't even wear shorts out of the house because I feel like some walking disease. Please help!!

poison oak rash that won't hea (Approved)steve7/20/2003 2:40 am
  Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)Betsy D.7/20/2003 10:36 am
    Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)steve7/21/2003 0:22 am
      Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)maria7/22/2003 4:33 pm
        Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)steve7/25/2003 0:10 am
          Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)laurie7/30/2003 3:45 pm
            Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)karen 2/13/2011 2:33 am