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length of time of rash etc.

Subject: length of time of rash etc.
Author: lori
Date: 7/23/2003 10:13 am
Views: 12248
Status: Approved
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my question is, HOW LONG IS OK? when do i go back to the doctor? i got poisoin ivy on the 4th of july for the first itme ever in my life. (i am almost 40) the top of my legs is a solid rash of oozing and blisters, my arms are also cover in it. thanx to the loving dog who oviously has it on him while sitting in my lap. it started showing with a few bumps here and there a few days after the 4th. a week later it was horrible and it has been getting worse since then. i wen to the doctor on the 11th, got the shot and the steroids and hydroxyzine for itch... the oozing stopped shortly after, but there are still blisters and places that are continuing to develope into blisters and the rash. it is now the 23rd... everything i have read it should be getting better by now? when will it go away? when do i go back to the doctor? it looks so bad i feel like i have leporsy or something. i am almost positive i am not being re-exposed, that this is the same case... is this normal to take this long to heal?

length of time of rash etc. (Approved)lori7/23/2003 10:13 am
  Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)louise7/25/2003 8:18 pm
    Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)Debbie7/26/2003 0:41 am
    Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)lori7/26/2003 8:37 am
      Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)Terri7/28/2003 9:18 am
        Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)Collette7/28/2003 2:44 pm
        Re: length of time of rash etc (Approved)Betsy D.7/28/2003 4:34 pm