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Re: poison oak rash that won't heal

Subject: Re: poison oak rash that won't heal
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 7/20/2003 10:36 am
Views: 8146
Status: Approved
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Hi Steve -

OK - first here's a little saying from one of my favorite movies that you might consider repeating from time to time... "Enhance your calm, Steve". Stress can actually make a rash worse so take a few deep breaths and lets see what your options are. Let me give you a couple references to read about stress and rashes:

If you are uncomfortable with your treatment or feel that you and your doctor are not communicating, then you certainly should consider a referral. A dermatologist is a good place to start as we are talking about a skin issue. What if your new dermatologist asks "have you considered the possibility that your rash might not be poison oak?" Are you ready to consider the possibility? It is quite possible that the rash you are seeing now could have been caused by something else.

Contact with the urushiol oil in poison oak causes an overblown immune system response at the site of contact - this is called allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). There are a number of other items which too can cause ACD including other types of plants. The treatment though for any ACD should be the roughly the same. I am not a doctor and am not qualified to give medical advice - I'm just talking through some logic here. Your dermatologist should give you treatment options to deal with this rash. He/she may recommend that you stop taking the corticosteroid or try some other form of medication. It may be that the treatment plan you are on is appropriate but needs to continue. These are topics you need to discuss in detail with your doctor whether it be a GP or a dermatologist. Clear communication is vital to proper treatment for you both physically and mentally. You need relief.

So here is my advice for dealing with this menace rash:
  • Stay calm.
  • Stay cool - overheated rashes can get larger (as you've noticed)
  • Don't scratch that itch. This too can make the rash larger. There are a number of over-the-counter itch treatments.
  • Keep the rash clean and dry.
  • Learn as much as you can about rashes - their cause and treatment options. Knowledge is a powerful tool that can help you to better deal with this.

Whether or not you decide to get a referral to a dermatologist, you should make a list of questions. Consider this a talking points document for discussion with your regular doctor or dermatologist. Listen, discuss, and encourage an open dialog - that way you'll feel much better about how your treatment is proceeding.

Phew - I hope my thoughts here help you. Good luck!

poison oak rash that won't hea (Approved)steve7/20/2003 2:40 am
  Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)Betsy D.7/20/2003 10:36 am
    Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)steve7/21/2003 0:22 am
      Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)maria7/22/2003 4:33 pm
        Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)steve7/25/2003 0:10 am
          Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)laurie7/30/2003 3:45 pm
            Re: poison oak rash that won't (Approved)karen 2/13/2011 2:33 am