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Subject: pool?
Author: mary
Date: 7/10/2003 12:18 pm
Views: 7118
Status: Approved
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Hello. i love this website. For a repeated poison ivy getter such as myself, it has helped ALOT to hear other horror stories.
I THOUGHT i was getting over a bad case of it on my chest, which by the way, is very painful and uncomfortable. It's still lingering. And beginning to pop up in little places everywhere else. i recently became a pool owner and thought i caught a big break with fighting poison ivy. But it didn't clear it up like magic. Is it possible, jumping in the pool is making it worse? I don't see how. I could just be reinfecting myself. Thanks.
-very itchey

pool? (Approved)mary7/10/2003 12:18 pm
  Re: pool?Jim7/11/2003 7:12 am
    Re: pool? (Approved)mary7/11/2003 10:31 am