All my new neighbors in Maryland warned me about Poison Ivy and
Poison Sumac. Unfortunately, I could not recognize these even after
viewing some plants. Meanwhile, I had begun to remove those
"disgusting hairy vines" off our rather delicate eastern white
pines. My guy is the proud new owner of a chain saw, that's how
difficult it was. The house is flanked by woods on all three sides,
and it appears that I have both ground and tree ivy, along with
sumac, and virginia creepers. I love all the critters, birds, frogs
etc., that roam through. These are not an inconsiderable bunch of
animals. I refuse to do anything that may harm them, so having read
all the articles in the control section have given me a plan I am
happy with, now that I can recognize the little demons. I
especially loved the use of mulch! Again, thank you for being there
for us (Chicago resident for 54 years) ex-city folk!
--"Anonymous" (no email provided) submitted 7/Jul/2003