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Re: immune

Subject: Re: immune
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 7/6/2003 10:51 pm
Views: 3875
Status: Approved
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Hi jb,

I don't believe we've stated that no one is immune. If so, I'll have to correct that on the site. The statement is that it is believe that about 85% of the population which can / does come in contact with the plants will at have a reaction. Basically, a reaction to urushiol oil (the compound found in poison ivy, oak, sumac) binding to the skin is an overblown reaction by the immune system to what it deems is a foreign body intrusion. The reaction varies from person to person and time to time. One can even become less sensitive to contact with urushiol oil over time. Age is a factor, health is another. Time between contacts is yet another factor.

I have no doubt that some people never have a reaction to urushiol oil. But for a large majority, it is a painful reality.

immune (Approved)jb7/6/2003 10:23 pm
  Re: immune (Approved)Betsy D.7/6/2003 10:51 pm
    Re: immune (Approved)Cheri6/12/2005 10:33 pm