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blisters with pus and leakage

Subject: blisters with pus and leakage
Author: David
Date: 6/30/2003 8:59 pm
Views: 8097
Status: Approved
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i have a pretty annoying case on my leg right now and i have three really large blisters each about the size of a quarter in diameter...theyre not too painful if i'm careful, but what is weird is that each day or so they all of a sudden leak/deflate to at least half their size, but then they begin to refill again...is this normal? i'm on prednisone right now if that makes any difference, and ive ben putting cortisone cream on it when the itching gets bad...just curious if i should just pop these blisters or if theyll at some point stop regrowing...

blisters with pus and leakage (Approved)David6/30/2003 8:59 pm
  Re: blisters with pus and leak (Approved)Betsy D.7/2/2003 1:11 am