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doesn't itch?

Subject: doesn't itch?
Author: Bonnie
Date: 6/29/2003 4:06 pm
Views: 9539
Status: Approved
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i noticed a small bug bite type thing last night below my waistline on my backside. it didn't itch much, just a little wasn't very irritating. today got a better look and noticed some blistering surrounded by a circle of reddish skin. it still doesn't itch much at all, and the whole thing is only the size of a quarter. no other signs of exposure, although i did take a walk in the woods about 3 days ago, so anythings possible, plus its an unlikely spot, and so far my hands are ok. i 've never had poison ivy before. could it be that, without much itching? wouldn't turn up on my hands first, assuming they might have spread it to my butt-area.

doesn't itch? (Approved)Bonnie6/29/2003 4:06 pm
  Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)David6/30/2003 3:36 pm
    Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)chaisson7/1/2003 6:03 pm
  Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)Betsy D.7/2/2003 1:08 am
    Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)Pat7/31/2003 3:50 pm