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Re: poison oak in the throat?

Subject: Re: poison oak in the throat?
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 6/24/2003 9:31 am
Views: 9235
Status: Approved
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Hi Lindsey -

In theory it is possible that you passed some amount of urushiol oil from the washcloth to the pill. The odds would appear slim but I don't see why it's not possible. If your symptoms are not related to something else (such as a cold), I would definitely seek medical attention just to make sure that this doesn't turn into something more serious.

As for the poison oak rash coming back. Yes it's possible and there are least 3 ways this happened. Remember that it's the urushiol oil contained in the plant that causes the allergic reaction (rash). Ways that this could come back:

  1. Recontamination by touching something that still has the oil on it - clothes, shoes, pets, under fingernails, etc. Make sure everything which may have come in contact with the oil has been thoroughly cleaned.
  2. New contamination - were you around any plants? Doing some gardening? Again, thorough cleaning is important.
  3. Rebound rash. This relates to taking oral steroids as apparently if the course is too short (I've read that 14 days or more is best) that a rebound rash can occur.

poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Lindsey6/24/2003 4:38 am
  Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Betsy D.6/24/2003 9:31 am
    Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Mia7/7/2003 2:05 pm
    Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Cody Kiriaze5/2/2012 11:28 pm
  Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)tyler6/3/2009 1:28 am
    Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Valerie6/10/2009 7:36 am
  Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Marcy 8/26/2009 9:05 am
    Re: poison oak in the throat? (Approved)Brian8/26/2009 3:26 pm