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does PI have an incubation period?

Subject: does PI have an incubation period?
Author: becky
Date: 6/19/2003 3:13 pm
Views: 14422
Status: Approved
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My husband has a rash on his arms, legs, and forhead. We are pretty sure it is PI, but we are not sure where it came from. If it has an icubation period this would help pinpoint where he got it from. Thank you.

does PI have an incubation per (Approved)becky6/19/2003 3:13 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Betsy D.6/19/2003 8:56 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Janie6/20/2003 0:34 am
    Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Betsy D.6/20/2003 1:59 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Rene Verdugo7/15/2009 1:48 pm