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Re: Poison Ivy and swimming

Subject: Re: Poison Ivy and swimming
Author: Jennifer
Date: 6/18/2003 11:25 am
Views: 7838
Status: Approved
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Okay. You said that because of the dilution of the water that the poison Ivy should not spread. Now I have been on this site for over an hour and read ALL topics on this I could find. It is posted that one billionth of a nanno-something or other could infect EVERYBODY. So how can it be that because there'd be enough in that pool dilution to amount more than a nanno-whatever. It said that on the head of a pin could infect over 500 people!!!! That contradicts with the fact stated the broken blisters don't spread it...period. I am so frustrated on this topic. I am a babysitter and have kids ranging from 2-12 yrs old. One has an increasing case of poison ivy. Now it keeps getting worse the last 2 days and today my son has a small patch on his face. Now, if what these posts say about how it can only be spread by the original plant oil w/in so many hrs/days...that SIMPLY isn't true! This child got it last week and has showered and swam many many times. Therefore, there should be no transmission here at my home as this child didn't come back from vacation until day before yesterday! I wish somebody would post an answer to this stuff who actually knows the truth!!!!!!!!!!

Poison Ivy and swimming (Approved)Dave6/15/2003 4:49 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy and swimming (Approved)Betsy D.6/15/2003 11:12 pm
    Re: Poison Ivy and swimming (Approved)Jennifer6/18/2003 11:25 am
      Re: Poison Ivy and swimmingJim6/18/2003 10:25 pm
      Re: Poison Ivy and swimming (Approved)Bruce5/19/2009 6:56 pm
      Re: Poison Ivy and swimming (Approved)Bill6/24/2010 0:04 am