Yeah like me! I NEVER get PI or PO or PS but i can be completely covered from head to foot, gloves, scarf, hat and STILL get a horrible rash, that looks and spreads like PI rashes. I have some that comes over the fence the neighbor will do nothing on thier side about and i have to pull up. NOTHING else grows there, it's not PI intertwined, all it is is Virginia Creeper. After i pull up what i need to, i strip in front of the washer and go directly to the shower and wash with strong soap, rub myself down with bleach water, and even though i see no signs of scrapes or contact points, i will still end up with horrible rashes that i scratch till i blister and break open. Then i take bleach to them, but by that time it's spread through the bloodstream. I'm gonna write to see if that Zanfel stuff works for me too with Virginia Creeper. |