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Re: how to apply baking soda

Subject: Re: how to apply baking soda
Author: Diahn
Date: 5/21/2003 11:25 pm
Views: 4975
Status: Approved
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At the risk of sounding dumb, how do you use the baking soda?  Make a paste out of it or just use it dry?  Bathe in it?  Seems like most "wet" things make mine worse and also tend to pull off scabs (I gave myself a nasty chemical burn with clorox that is now scabbed and infected so I am moving over to the conservative treatment camp)  Baking soda sounds conservative.  The itch is subsiding mostly for me now but still getting new bumps.  But the news ones I am just ignoring to the best of my ability.


why is my poison ivy getting w (Approved)Monica5/19/2003 9:13 am
  Re: why is my poison ivy getti (Approved)Kendra5/19/2003 9:33 am
  Re: why is my poison ivy getti (Approved)Peter5/19/2003 2:49 pm
    Re: why is my poison ivy getti (Approved)summergal5/20/2003 11:18 pm
      Re: why is my poison ivy getti (Approved)Alice5/21/2003 6:21 am
        Re: why is my poison ivy getti (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/21/2003 9:43 am
          Re: how to apply baking soda (Approved)Diahn5/21/2003 11:25 pm
            Re: how to apply baking soda (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/22/2003 8:40 pm