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Re: How long?

Subject: Re: How long?
Author: IvyAgony
Date: 5/21/2003 8:56 pm
Views: 6896
Status: Approved
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Last time I had a head to toe case, I discovered Zanfel after about a week and a half of agony.  That was when I had to drive two hours to get it(now it is much easier to find).  It started to clear instantly  I now have a new case.  It is another head to toe.  I was clearing a field when I noticed I was knee deep in a bush of ivy.  The Zanfel has helped me to keep the rash from  blistering, but new spots keep showing up.  It has been four days and I have already been through one tube of Zanfel and I'm half way through another.  That's about $80 for those unfamiliar with Zanfel.  It's worth it to keep my face from becoming all distorted!  It is extremely frustrating when new rashes appear in spots I have scrubbed.  After my first experince with Zanfel, I thought it was the answer.  I now know that nothing can fully stop the fury of poison ivy, aside from time, money, and a shot of steroids!

How long? (Approved)Mike5/11/2003 6:07 pm
  Re: How long? (Approved)Kevin5/11/2003 7:53 pm
    Re: How long?Jim5/12/2003 8:51 pm
      Re: How long? (Approved)Jeff5/13/2003 12:39 pm
        Re: How long? (Approved)IvyAgony5/21/2003 8:56 pm