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itching and spreading

Subject: itching and spreading
Author: Alissa
Date: 5/18/2003 3:07 am
Views: 8311
Status: Approved
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I have a case of poison ivy that isnt going away.  it started on my face and i got prednizone right away from my doctor. it stayed on my face and part of my neck for a few days then it randomly started to apear all around my waist. it  also showed up in little dots on my leg and arms. why does it keep comming back? i have used zanfel and technu numerous times to try and stop spreading and itching but it doesnt seem to be working. also when i itched the patches on my waist (i know its bad) it seemed to spread and now it is on my stomach a little too. why does that happen? if i itch does it keep coming up so if it dont itch at all will it go away? please help me

itching and spreading (Approved)Alissa5/18/2003 3:07 am
  Re: itching and spreading (Approved)Monica5/19/2003 9:19 am
    Re: itching and spreading (Approved)Visitor5/19/2003 11:09 pm
      Re: itching and spreading (Approved)Sandra6/11/2003 4:35 pm
        Re: itching and spreading (Approved)Dee9/18/2006 1:48 am