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Re: Really Bad Case - using a hair dryer

Subject: Re: Really Bad Case - using a hair dryer
Author: Brenda
Date: 5/16/2003 8:29 am
Views: 4926
Status: Approved
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If your rash has progressed to blisters, use Dumbro Oil. It's a little packet you get at the drug store (non-prescription but you have to ask for them). You mix with water and soak gauze in the solution and wrap it around your outbreak. Leave it there until it dries. It's messy and might not be practical depending on where your outbreak is. But it does relieve the itch and it dries out the blisters quicker than anything else I tried.

Really Bad Case (Approved)Amy5/1/2003 1:40 pm
  Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/2/2003 9:30 am
    Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Bren5/5/2003 4:27 pm
      Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/5/2003 11:44 pm
        Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Brenda5/16/2003 8:29 am
          Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Michelle9/17/2009 2:43 pm
            Re: Really Bad Case - using a (Approved)Brian9/21/2009 9:07 am
  Re: Really Bad Case (Approved)vikie9/10/2005 5:16 pm
    Re: Really Bad Case (Approved)Debbie9/11/2005 4:46 am