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Re: Rubbing can spread the rash

Subject: Re: Rubbing can spread the rash
Author: Jim
Date: 5/13/2003 10:03 am
Views: 5093
Status: Approved
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Hi Glenn,

After urushiol cell protein bonding is the key concept I believe. I believe the statement is true based on the following reasons listed here and here. I also have had poison ivy a few times and have not spread it. I like to think I have an open mind so I accept your premise. I understood your statement to be that you have spread it to your wife after bonding. Is that correct?

BTW, my wife claimed I gave it to her also. I now think it was because of improper cleaning that caused this. Thanks for your feedback!

PS. I do not fully understand the systemic case yet where it spreads internally.

Rubbing can spread the rash (Approved)Glenn Jones5/13/2003 9:41 am
  Re: Rubbing can spread the rasJim5/13/2003 10:03 am
    Re: Rubbing can spread the ras (Approved)Glenn Jones5/13/2003 11:02 am
      Re: Rubbing can spread the rasJim5/13/2003 1:32 pm
      Re: Rubbing can spread the ras (Approved)Jeff5/13/2003 12:28 pm