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Re: oozing/blisters

Subject: Re: oozing/blisters
Author: Betsy Dunphy
Date: 5/12/2003 10:58 am
Views: 7046
Status: Approved
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Hi Lee,

The blisters will not always ooze so it is possible that you have come in contact with poison ivy / oak (urushiol oil). The body's reaction to this foreign entity (the bonded urushiol oil) varies from person to person. Some people get big, nasty blisters that ooze for days. Others just get an itchy rash. Its not unusual to have outbreaks over a period of days over places on the body which have come in contact with urushiol oil. Depending on the amount of oil and the thickness of the skin in those places, it can take some time for the rash to appear. Also, we are our own worst enemy as most people do not clean up thoroughly and continue to recontaminate themselves. The 2 most overlooked areas which need to be decontaminated are under the finger nails and on the shoes. Make sure that you have thoroughly cleaned everything that may have come in contact with the urushiol oil.

Be sure to keep the rash clean and dry to promote healing. This will all take its course.

oozing/blisters (Approved)Lee5/11/2003 6:17 pm
  Re: oozing/blisters (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/12/2003 10:58 am