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another poison plant.....

Subject: another poison plant.....
Author: evan
Date: 5/7/2003 5:59 pm
Views: 8602
Status: Approved
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i got this stuff like poison ivy, even though you have proboly never heard of it its called poison tantris, it is only in georgia and florida and looks alot like poison sumac but bigger...way bigger, ive seen some as big as trees, my friend told me about he is a plant expert and also my science teacher! poison tantris is not that bad though, and it usually lasts about half as long as poion ivy and ive got it on my hands, wrists, and back of my legs. poison tantis is a very THICK busy gray vine that goes up a tree, and can consume the whole tree.  but just like all the others, hot water works really good on it, it is not severe on me but i cant really bend my hand. it is a rash of a bunch of little bumps, it started out as like 2 little mosquito bite like bumps on my hands  and spread from there, my friend had it, and broke out severely cuz he is real allergic to poison ivy and it has urushiel oil in it. i think the only places where its is is south east u.s and some spots in central america well ill try to get some pics of it. i have a nice cluster of poison tantris on trees in my woods so ill try to get more info... but i bet u never heard of it before and nether have i until my teacher told me, well its REALLY rare and dosent grow on trees and the rash looks alot like poison ivy exept for the blisters.

another poison plant..... (Approved)evan5/7/2003 5:59 pm
  Re: another poison plant..... (Approved)Jim5/7/2003 6:20 pm
  Re: another poison plant..... (Approved)Ruth5/8/2003 1:24 pm