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Rash and Blisters

Subject: Rash and Blisters
Author: Carol
Date: 5/1/2003 8:10 pm
Views: 7843
Status: Approved
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I had my first case ever of poison ivy six months ago. Managed to get through it, though it was just the rash type on the upper part of my body. This time it is concentrated on my neck, jawline, and chest, and I have a lot of blisters. I am treating myself with hot and cold compresses, alcohol rub, and caladryl. My concern is that the blisters may scar my neck and face. Can anyone give me any information on this? Thanks.....

Rash and Blisters (Approved)Carol5/1/2003 8:10 pm
  Re: Rash and Blisters (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/2/2003 9:29 am
    Re: Rash and Blisters (Approved)Carol5/2/2003 8:03 pm
  Re: Rash and Blisters (Approved)Brenda5/16/2003 8:25 am