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clothes washing-removal of plants

Subject: clothes washing-removal of plants
Author: cindy enslen
Date: 4/23/2003 6:05 pm
Views: 7846
Status: Approved
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Doesn't washing your clothing items separately in hot water get rid of the oil?

Also, I'm about to try and get rid of several individual plants about 4 inches tall with a few leaves as well as many other larger vines that have wrapped themselves around the bottom of my holly bushes and boxwood shrubs.  I'm seriously thinking about just pulling all the shrubs out and then spraying the whole area with brush b gone.  Does this sound like a good idea?

One more thing....

Since there are so many little individual plants, does that mean that the roots are running all along under my year or do I have that many plants simply because the house next to me has tones of it and it has just blown my way?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


clothes washing-removal of pla (Approved)cindy enslen4/23/2003 6:05 pm
  Re: clothes washing-removal of (Approved)Betsy Dunphy4/24/2003 4:06 pm
  Re: clothes washing-removal of (Approved)Michele5/30/2003 0:54 am
    Re: clothes washing-removal of (Approved)Betsy D.5/30/2003 3:46 pm