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Re: How long does PI last?

Subject: Re: How long does PI last?
Author: Betsy
Date: 4/8/2003 10:10 pm
Views: 7905
Status: Approved
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Hi Lydia, If the poison ivy has gone systemic (in your system) you can end up with blisters showing up for several weeks after the initial outbreak. I've heard of as long as 5 weeks. You can end up with breakouts occuring even where you know you were not exposed initially. Also, have you made sure that everything you touched that day has either been thrown out or thoroughly washed? I've tossed cloth gardening gloves after accidently handling poison ivy. I don't want to risk reinfection.

I just found a great reference to site by an M.D. who discusses Prednisone in the treatment of poison ivy. The site is here: http://www.tfn.net/HealthGazette/poison2.html. Scroll down about 3/4's of the way down the site to the section on "Treatment". Apparently, Dr. Hemple has seen the rash come back after a round of Prednisone if the course of treatment was not long enough. This is a good reference point for you and you should discuss this with your doctor.

Good luck!

How long does PI last? (Approved)Lydia Sedita4/8/2003 3:31 pm
  Re: How long does PI last? (Approved)Betsy4/8/2003 10:10 pm