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purple smoke bush

Subject: purple smoke bush
Author: Tina
Date: 4/7/2003 10:05 am
Views: 10374
Status: Approved
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Just today at a nursery I fell in love with a purple smoke bush, bought it and planted it. I went to the internet to get a photo to send my gardening friend and found a web site that had a warning about the purple smoke bush.  I e-mailed the person to whom the website belonged and he said the purple smoke tree is part of the sumac family and some people have reactions to it. I know I take a couple of days to react to poison oak. Has anyone on this website had a reaction to the purple smoke bush. I am searching for my anti poison oak soap imbetween posting this.

purple smoke bush (Approved)Tina4/7/2003 10:05 am
  Re: purple smoke bushJim4/7/2003 3:39 pm
    Re: purple smoke bush (Approved)Tina4/7/2003 6:56 pm